Untitled (K)
, 2010Black pens on paper
4 drawings 50 x 50 cm each. Private collection
The drawings of the K series were conceived for the personal exhibition Variable Intensity Rain Aloft at the Newman Popiashvili Gallery in New York, together with five sculptural works with the same name.
Technically, they are created by holding in one hand bundles of ball-point pens, all equal, and exerting a strong rotatory pressure, insisting on the centre of the sheet. The result is a kneaded, amalgamated composition. Black.
Under the pressure of the pen stroke, the space gets saturated, black, letting a black hole appear, able to compress the drawing, swallowing it.
In its place, a mix that oversteps the graphic element and becomes sculptural, plastic, dramatic.
If I look at them now, I can’t avoid noting that the Ks have the same temperament as the wide-open mouth in Inoculati (2018). The same deep and determined will to absorb.
A greediness that has to do with getting lost with no turning back, with a fall. And with an inscrutable and swirling fear.
- Alberto Tadiello, Untitled (K), black pens on paper, 4 drawings 50 x 50 cm each, 2010. Private collection
- Alberto Tadiello, Untitled (K), black pens on paper, 4 drawings 50 x 50 cm each, 2010. Private collection
- Alberto Tadiello, Untitled (K), black pens on paper, 4 drawings 50 x 50 cm each, 2010. Private collection
- Alberto Tadiello, Untitled (K), black pens on paper, 4 drawings 50 x 50 cm each, 2010. Private collection