, 2007Cables, circuits, sound system, trees
Site specific dimension. AGI Verona Collection
This is a sound installation which uses electronic devices to enable the transfer to a sound of a continuous electrical impulse, parallel to the flow of the lymph inside the trees.
USB is a fluid, a flow.
The simple gesture of putting one’s head against the trunk of a tree, making the ear adhere to it.
USB was conceived and executed for the collective exhibition Silenzio. Una mostra da ascoltare (Silence. An exhibition to listen to), Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin 2007.
It was arranged in a stretched out manner, showing itself nearly as an extension of the inner xylems of plants. The cables, starting from a few trees in the green area in front of the Foundation, would be inserted from the roof as roots, penetrating walls, piping and installations, up to reaching the entrance space, where the system would transform the variation of electrical signals into the relevant audio frequency, allowing the intrusion to take place in a monitoring status, in a continuous auscultation.
- Alberto Tadiello, Usb, cables, circuits, sound system, trees, site specific dimension, 2007. AGI Verona Collection
- Alberto Tadiello, Usb, cables, circuits, sound system, trees, site specific dimension, 2007. AGI Verona Collection
- Alberto Tadiello, Usb, cables, circuits, sound system, trees, site specific dimension, 2007. AGI Verona Collection